
Things can go wrong. This section tries to give guidelines in helping out identify potential issues.

It is important first to check out if your issue was already submitted in the issue tracker.

Gathering logs

To gather useful logs and help developers spot right away issues, it’s suggested to boot with console=tty0 rd.debug enabled for example:


To edit the boot commands, type ’e’ in the boot menu. To boot with the changes press ‘CTRL+X’.

In case logs can’t be acquired, taking screenshot or videos while opening up issues it’s strongly recommended!

Another option that can be enabled is immucore debug logs with rd.immucore.debug

After booting, you can find the logs from immucore under /run/immucore/ (whether you enabled debug output or not). Check the immucore README for more configuration parameters.

Initramfs breakpoints

Initramfs can be instructed to drop a shell in various phases of the boot process. For instance:

  • rd.break=pre-mount Drops a shell before setting up mount points.
  • rd.break=pre-pivot Drops a shell before switch-root

Disable immutability

It is possible to disable immutability by adding rd.cos.debugrw to the kernel boot commands.

Root permission

By default, there is no root user set. A default user (kairos) is created and can use sudo without password authentication during LiveCD bootup.

Get back the kubeconfig

On all nodes, which are deployed with the P2P full-mesh feature of the cluster, it’s possible to invoke kairos get-kubeconfig to recover the kubeconfig file.

See also

Last modified November 14, 2023: Add link to the immucore README (e9177d8)